International Week: Yoga Vidya welcomes English-speaking aliens to the family
First Yoga Vidya International Week in Bad Meinberg: Yoga Vidya welcomes English-speaking…
Podcast Kanal: Meditation Instruction Videos – for Inner Peace and Higher Consciousness
Guided Meditations, instructions, advice. Meditation techniques from Yoga and Buddhist traditions. Mindfulness…
Podcast Kanal: Pranayama – Breathing Exercises für new Energy – Yoga Vidya Videos
Pranayama Breathing Exercises. Recordings from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Ein Podcast von…
Podcast Kanal: Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation – Variations for Beginners and Advanced – Yoga Vidya Video
Try out different variations of Surya Namaskar, Yoga Sun Salutations. Slower and…
Podcast Kanal: Yoga Nidra, Yoga Classes, Meditation instructions in the Satyananda Tradition
Yoga practices in the Satyananda Tradition. Dr. Nalini Sahay, direct disciple of…
Podcast Kanal: Yoga Practice Video – Yoga Vidya
Yoga classes, Yoga relaxation techniques, Asanas, breathing exercises for daily life. Gives…
Podcast Kanal: Vedanta, Yoga, Tantra Podcast
Draw inspiration from talks on the essence of life. A Podcast of…
Podcast Kanal: Yoga Vedanta Tantra
Yoga, Vedanta, Tantra, Ayurveda and Meditation. Talks and interviews with Yoga Masters,…
Abschluss: Englische Yogalehrer Ausbildung 2015 bei Yoga Vidya
Am Sonntag fand die Englische Yogalehrerausbildung bei Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg einen freudigen Abschluss. Alle…
Interview: Sophie aus der engl. Yogalehrerausbildung
Bei Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg läuft zur Zeit die vierwöchige englische Yogalehrerausbildung.…
New english Asana Videos with Narendra
The Asanas are performed by Narendra, Yoga teacher trainer in House Yoga…
Kapalabhati, the energizing breath – Yoga breathing exercise
New energy and positivity through Kapalabhati, a dynamic breathing exercise, also called…
Englische Yoga-Broschüre mit englischsprachigen Seminaren/Ausbildungen bei Yoga Vidya
Die englischsprachige Broschüre mit den englischsprachigen Seminaren, Yogalehrer Ausbildungen und Yogalehrer Weiterbildungen…
Surya Namaskar with Bija Mantras
Advanced variation of sun salutation: Listen to very powerful Bija Mantras while…
Sivananda Upanishad – Vortrag mit Swami Atma
Swami Atmaswaruparamananda, Gastreferent im Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, liest und kommentiert…
Anuloma Viloma – Yoga breathing exercice (Pranayama)
Concentration of mind and inner strength - some of the effects of…