Neue Videos online: Ganesha Sthuti of Shankara, Yoga demonstration part 2, Vorwärtsbeugendes Dreieck – Yoga Trikonasana

Von Rukmini
Lesezeit: 1 Min

Ganesha Sthuti
Inspiring Mantra-Chanting with Maheshwara of Yoga Vidya Center Frankfurt This Mantra was composed by Shankaracharya around 800 AD – it is in honor of Ganesha, proclaiming the oneness of the individual with the Cosmic Being, with Chid – Ananda, Absolute Consciousness-Bliss.

Yoga demonstration with Carlotta part 2

A 8-minutes Yoga Demonstration with Carlotta of Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Sound quality is not too good – best ist you turn off the volume. Wonderful to watch – relaxing and inspiring.

Vorwärtsbeugendes Dreieck – Yoga Trikonasana

Yoga zwischendurch zum Mitmachen: Übe die Yoga Übung „drehendes Dreieck – Variation von Trikonasana“. Vorgeführt von Anandaprema vom Yoga Vidya Center Stuttgart , angeleitet von Sukadev. Mehr Infos zu dieser Yoga Asana.

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